Thursday, December 11, 2014

3 Months Down, Many More To Go!

Hello Friends and Followers! 

I created this #SGNW blog a while ago but have yet to post anything to it and now I really have a reason.

My first milestone as a Northerner has come and gone and I can't believe I missed it, but I definitely want to acknowledge it! :)

As most know I moved from my home-state of Louisiana to New Jersey back in August.

November 18th made 3 months since I relocated to the East Coast! It's gone by so quickly I didn't even get to celebrate! :)

A lot of people as me why I moved up here.

My answer? 

Passion.  To be closer to my dreams --- Which I believe are floating somewhere in New York City awaiting a game of chase (lol).

I’d love to tell you the story of how I came here and things just took off … and in just three months, my dreams have all come true.  But that’s not true. 

Besides, I’m a realist.  I knew coming here that I was coming to a city where the best of the best from all over the WORLD migrate to make things happen.

I didn’t come expecting to conquer things from Day 1.

I know I’m back in the trenches and have to dig my way to the top.  I’m cool with that.  Been doing that all my life.   The greater the struggle, the sweeter the reward … I know this to be true.  

So though I’ve been job-hunting for two of the three months with no luck, I’m not worried.

I have faith in both my purpose and my abilities.  Plus, I’m patient.  It will come.

What I can tell you is that this transition was a tough one.

Though I was blessed to stay with a friend for a while and save on rent and utilities, it was a bit of a mental and emotional struggle feeling like I was in someone else’s space and had no control over my environment.

I didn’t come here to be stagnant or restricted, so I had to venture out on my own sooner than planned, which meant yet another transition.

After many bus rides, including many hours over many days, and many viewings I finally found a place where I can have my own space.

In a beautiful Victorian home that reminds me a lot of some areas in my hometown.

I get that Southern feel in this Northern World and I love it.  

Now that I’m in a space where I can have peace and my creative mind can flourish.  I am so excited about the journey from here.

Many have asked about photos, and because my Smartphone is out of commission, I haven’t shared as freely as I normally would.  I have so many photos and videos to share, and I promise I will soon.  I do want to share this though:

This place is a constant source of inspiration. 

I am inspired by everything around me – the sounds, the smells, the colors, the people, the music.

Even a train ride gives me inspiration.

I am able to just sit back and observe people.  Their style, their mannerisms, the way they treat others.

And everyone is constantly on the go, which makes me feel like I need to be doing something too … and that in itself is inspiring.

And that is one of the main reasons I came here.  Inspiration.  I just wasn’t getting that back home.

I have helped other artists half my life, sacrificing my own aspirations. Now it’s time for me to be the artist.  I truly feel this is where this is where I’ll spread my wings.    

I have some other stories to tell about my new world and I will share those as well very soon. 

Just know that I am enjoying this journey, and no matter what has happened up to this point … I don’t regret making taking this leap of faith.

I know more struggles are ahead, but I’m more excited about what’s beyond them.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers until then …



  1. I'm so happy for you! I've watched you help so many people in Shreveport and now it's your time to shine. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Keep the pics coming!
    Kristian P

    1. Thanks Kristian! I can't wait either ... and I will! Thanks for the support and encouragement -- past, present and future :)

  2. Great post!! I am glad that you took that leap and relocated to a new place!!! I know you will do well, keep grinding and hustling!! Inspiration is always great, it keeps you motivated!!!

